Surik and two of her companions arrived at the crystal cave, and the group fought their way through the kinrath hive in the tunnels to the last cavern, the location of the nest. Surik offered to eliminate the kinrath hive that Zherron believed to be located in a cave in the nearby Khoonda plains. During her visit for information to Khoonda, the seat of the Dantooine government, she was informed by Zherron, the captain of the Khoonda Militia, of a problem concerning attacks from the insectoid kinrath on local settlers. In the year 3951 BBY, in the end of the Dark Wars, Meetra Surik- exiled from the Jedi Order for defying the Council's wishes during the Mandalorian Wars-and her companions arrived on Dantooine in search of Jedi Master Vrook Lamar. They seem to contain energy of some sort.' ― Ahrnell, to Meetra Surik
Some are warm to the touch, while others are freezing. ' Yes, the crystals in this cave are unlike any I have seen.